Alternate Realities Roundup 8/3 | Buzz Blog
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Alternate Realities Roundup 8/3



Long-time climate-change-skeptic physicist Richard Muller tells Democracy Now! that the evidence for climate change is serious and that action needs to be taken. “We need to do something about it,” Muller says.---

Top of the Alty World

“Climate Skeptic, Koch-Funded Scientist Richard Muller Admits Global Warming Real & Humans the Cause.”—Democracy Now!

The Eastbay Express takes a look at the crowd-sourcing industry as the “Dawn of the Digital Sweatshop.”—Eastbay Express

The next economic bubble readying for a cataclysmic pop may just be higher education.—San Diego Reader

Top of Alty Utah

Throngs of supporters packed local Chick-Fil-A restaraunts in solidarity with the CEO’s statements against gay marriage.—Q Salt Lake.

The Central Utah Art Center says its eviction notice by the city of Ephraim amounts to censorship and it's pushing back with a petition drive.—Salt Lake City Weekly.

KUER breaks down in four graphs what Utah’s possible Medicaid expansions will look like.—KUER

Congressional deadlock and a weak economy are putting the squeeze on support groups that help women who have suffered sexual assault and domestic violence.—Salt Lake City Weekly


OneUtah blogger Richard Warnick examines the recent Brookings Institution analysis of Mitt Romney’s tax plan. “What Romney calls an ‘across the board tax cut’ is just that, except that ‘cut’ means ‘increase’ unless you’re a member of the elite. Remember, it’s only class warfare if we fight back!”--OneUtah

The Long View

The Salt Lake City Weekly cover this week delves into the mind of recently convicted child pornographer Antonio Cardenas. “In conversation, Cardenas uses his hands expressively, whether to describe a kiss between adults or the close relationship between Mexicans in prison. But when he uses them to describe the first time he sexually abused the 9-year-old child, those delicate hands become deeply sinister.”—Salt Lake City Weekly.