Beside the Question: Milo Greene | Buzz Blog
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Beside the Question: Milo Greene


Graham Fink of Milo Greene -- quite possibly indie rock’s Next Big Thing -- talks about Snoop Lion, Obama and Denny’s, White Russians and myriad ridiculous things in the latest installment of this near-asinine interview series.---

The fresh and melodic five-piece band out of California is touring in support of the newly released, self-titled debut that’s chock full of gems like “1957” and “Don’t Give Up on Me.” Hear those two numbers below

Band member Graham Fink took a little bit of time to answer a brilliant set of stupid questions. And his endearing and witty answers make us love the band more than we already do. Check out Milo Greene with Family of the Year at Kilby Court (741 S. Kilby Court (330 West), 7 p.m., Saturday, August 11; $8.

City Weekly: Did you hear about Snoop Dogg changing his name to Snoop Lion (I shit you not, check this out). Thoughts?

Graham Fink: All for it. Roar on, Snoop.

CW: On to politics: Did you hear about President Obama’s policy change after visiting Denny’s? Thoughts?

GF: Nothing good comes out of Denny's -- politically or intestinally.

CW: OK, those were some pretty intense discussions. Let’s move on to something lighter, like booze. Drinkify says that “The Milo Greene” cocktail is 4 oz. of Chacara (and I have no fucking clue what that is) served over ice with a cocktail monkey. Would you agree or disagree? Why?

GF: Disagree -- gotta go with a White Russian. That's Marlana's go-to when she's feeling frisky.

CW: Who has the best tattoo in the band. Describe it and why it was inked in the first place.

GF: Robbie's got a cool buff-guy leaf on his arm.

CW: Have you ever bought a product from an infomercial? Or at least thought really hard about it?

GF: I really wanted the Cornballer from the Bluth infomercials in Arrested Development.

CW: Do you practice what you preach? And what do you preach exactly?

GF: Shaka, brah.

CW: What’s the deal with airplane peanuts?

GF: All I know is they're way better than the mini pretzels. Honey roast me, anytime.

CW: Tell me a secret.

GF: En realidad, soy un caballo del cielo (translation). Won't you be my nay-bor?

CW: So, Milo Greene obviously isn’t a real person, but if he/she were and he/she had a superpower, what would that be and what would it be used for?

GF: The power to shift into different forms like Mystique. [Milo Greene] can become a booking agent, a manager, a debonair Brit in a three-piece suit ... or even shift into five kids from California who are riding this band adventure into the future with clear eyes and full hearts.