Best Sports Movies Bracket | Buzz Blog
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Best Sports Movies Bracket



Everyone has their favorite sports movie that they could watch over and over again and never, ever, get tired of. People are always debating which sports movie is the best of all time, and I have helped to come up with an answer. --- Whether it is Al Pacino giving his riveting “Inch by Inch” speech in Any Given Sunday, or dam Sandler in Happy Gilmore fighting Bob Barker at the celebrity golf tournament, those sports movies never seem to get old.

I have set up a 64-team, double-elimination bracket with what I believe (along with some extensive Internet research) are the best 64 sports movies of all time. They cover all sports, from basketball to football and even to rugby, and now we watch these great sports movie classics “battle” it out. I randomly seeded the movies (by pulling names out of a hat) and set them up in a double-elimination tournament.

The winners of each matchup was determined by several factors: accuracy of the movie, box-office success, how prominent the movie still is today, how original the premise of the movie was, and—I’m slightly biased, but—overall enjoyment. You can see the results on this spreadsheet, and yes, in true March Madness fashion, there were some upsets. Had they been seeded differently, it might have yielded a different result, but for now, let the debate begin!

If you have any questions as to why a certain team advanced, leave a comment and I will respond with my reasoning.

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