Local Releases: Let's Get Experimental | Buzz Blog
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Local Releases: Let's Get Experimental



As we make our way into October, I'll cover the last of the September local releases that I know about, along with a show set for tonight! --- I'll start off with material that crept in under the radar, and the first is the debut EP from Wafer. The band is a seven-piece jam group based out of SLC with a few long-time names you might recognize including John Chatelain, Jordan and Jamie Olsen Jeff DeWitt and Curtis Stahl. The group have been together just over two years playing the occasional gig, but nothing concrete in recording form until recently, but that shouldn't be a surprise for a jam band. This week, they released their EP Equinox onto Bandcamp as a free download, four tracks that make up over 35 minutes of music total. It's worth a listen at the very least.


Next up is an album from down south in St. George by the band Fever Dreams. The hardcore band out of Southern Utah have been one of the more active traveling bands in the state, and for good reason, as the closest metal venue to them that would draw big crowds is in Vegas. So, the few times we get to see the band up north is a hell of a treat and these four fucking bring it -- every show, knock-down, kick-ass, get-you-by-the-jugular kind of rock. The group released their debut full-length album a few weeks ago titled As Above, So Below. Every track blends together nicely and makes you question how much was recorded all at once; it's a must-listen for local har- rock and metal fans. You can currently purchase their album for a “name your price” tag on Bandcamp, and the band will be back in SLC in a few weeks at the new Shred Shed. We'll talk more about that another day.


Moving down a few octaves and distortion pedals, we also have the debut album from PTO. Describing themselves as “guitars and quarter-life crisis,” the indie-rock band out of SLC is comprised of Nate Housley, Phil Smallwood, Greg Wilson and Chad Hokama. They've been playing all around the state as a low-key band, even making it to St. George on occasion, whenever the mood seems to hit them. Their full-length album Pointless hit the Web on Wednesday, with songs and a vibe that make them the perfect house band that's sure to incite a dance riot. You can download the album for a “name your price” tag off their Bandcamp, or you could help them out by snagging a physical copy off CD Baby.


Finally, the one release show this week that wasn't already covered comes to us from the band 90s Television. This band is what I would call a “party favor” group, as in they're always a good time but they don't seem to stay around very long. The four-piece band (seen above, courtesy of their Facebook) with members who have decided to take on names of Crayola crayons don't seem to have a definable genre beyond indie rock, as they seem to sway between ethereal, shoegaze, geek rock and even pieces of old college rock. Add in an unpredictable live show that's one part psyche and two parts art exhibit and you've got one of the more experimental creative bands playing in our scene. Whether you like them or not, it's one hell of a breath of fresh air that forces audiences to pay attention, much like their debut album Raw Justice, which does its best to encapsulate the band into a recording session, with mild success. The band will be re-releasing the album tonight at The Urban Lounge (before their new one comes out later this year), playing alongside Dude City and The Rugs; just $5, starting at 10 p.m.


Head out, love music, buy local!