Adam Price departs UMOCA | Buzz Blog
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Adam Price departs UMOCA


According to a press release Tuesday from the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Executive Director Adam Price has decided to step down from his position at the museum by the end of the year. ---

Price came to UMOCA in 2009 already an established fixture in the Salt Lake City arts community, most notably from his role in launching the high-profile 337 Project. His tenure at UMOCA included its transition in name and mission from the Salt Lake Art Center; increases in both fundraising and attendance at the museum; the launch of new artist-in-residence and dedicated "locals-only" exhibition space; and multiple new community outreach programs.

In a phone conversation, Price acknowledged that his efforts left him in need of a change. "It’s been a long, hard slog in some ways to take over at the height of the recession," Price said. "I could just feel myself flagging a little bit. It felt like a good time to bring in some new blood."

When asked about the accomplishment he's proudest of from his tenure at UMOCA, Price took a different look at the raw numbers of increased attendance. "We often talk about the attendance, and how many people are coming through," Price said. "But the thing we never do in terms of connecting the dots is, these are real people coming through the door and seeing great contemporary art. It’s that experience I’m happiest about: those people coming and having the chance to be transformed in some way."

As for his next project, he's thinking primarily about enjoying a holiday break: "I’m already talking to people [about other projects], but I promised my wife I’d take at least 60 days. She wants me going back to the gym, so I’ve promised I’m doing that. ... I went three years without taking a vacation, so I’m due for a little R&R."
