Mother Jones looks at would-be CIA chief John Brennan and notes that his policies are better if not at least as bad as President Barack Obama’s.---
Top of the Alty World
“On Civil Liberties, John Brennan is No Worse Than Barack Obama”—Mother Jones
A research institute estimates a $5.1 million price tag for every gun death in the United States.—Businessweek
The GOP keeps the war on women going by blocking the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act.—The Nation
Poll shows Americans have little support for House GOP Speaker John Boehner and wider approval for the President since the fiscal-cliff showdown.—Huffington Post
A California man is challenging the ruling that corporations are people by fighting a carpool-violation ticket, since he had his corporation documents in the car with him at the time he was ticketed.—North Bay Bohemian
Top of Alty Utah
Environmentalist are wary of the company that recently acquired Energy Solutions.—KUER
In a sendoff to outgoing Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, Salt Lake City Weekly recaps his top scandals while in office.—Salt Lake City Weekly
A lawmaker is hoping to tweak tax law to create new education revenue.—Utah Political Capitol
Truthout argues that the Democratic Party has stopped trying to maintain and further the legacy of the New Deal and the Great Society.
“The Democratic Party today, as I’ve said countless times over the past year, has become the party of smallish government and tax cuts for most people, while the Republican Party is the party of tiny government and tax cuts for everyone. There is no party dedicated to the New Deal and the Great Society. We need one.”—Truthout
The Long View
City Weekly profiles Ana Canenguez, an undocumented-immigrant mother and her longshot chance of staying in the country through prosecutorial discretion.
“In the few years that Canenguez has had all seven of her living children under one roof, she and they have been committed to education, to the point where her second-oldest son, Job, has won accolades at school, and she was named Utah Head Start’s Parent of the Year just days after she was ordered deported. When it comes to the Canenguez household, it seems the federal government seeks both to help her youngest children, through their preschool and migrant-worker program, and at the same time tear away the person who is so important to their nurturing and future education.”—Salt Lake City Weekly