Alternate Realities Roundup 1/22 | Buzz Blog
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Alternate Realities Roundup 1/22



While President Barack Obama’s second inaugural address was light on foreign policy, it did hint at a new kind of policy opposed to peace through “perpetual war.”---

Top of the Alty World

“Obama’s Inaugural: A New Foreign Policy?”—The Nation

Democracy Now! also recaps the President’s inaugural call for a more progressive domestic agenda.—Democracy Now!

A new report shows right-wing extremist violence is up 400 percent since 1990—so why is the FBI focusing so much on environmentalists?—Truthout

Top of Alty Utah

A bill in the Legislature would allow people over the age of 21 to carry concealed weapons on private property even if the property owner—church, school etc..—forbids it.—Utah Political Capitol

A Salt Lake City detox center is looking for donations to meet a $200,000 grant.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Despite high traffic with Sundance Festival-goers and participants in the Outdoor Retailer’s Show, UDOT traffic signs have been unusually quiet on warning about air quality.—KUER

The Legislature will be considering a bill to make CPR certification mandatory for high school students.—KCPW


Local blogger Daniel Burton recaps the scandals of newly elected Utah Attorney General John Swallow.

“John Swallow has a habit of making newspaper headlines, but for all the wrong reasons. If it’s true that where there is smoke there’s usually fire, then the headlines that have followed Swallow’s career indicate a lot of fire. Only time will tell how much or if it will catch up to Swallow this time around.”—Publius Online

The Long View

The East Bay Express reports on the flood of high-capacity magazines in Oakland, Ca., that can turn handguns into assault weapons.

“Law-enforcement officials say another major problem with extended-capacity magazines is that they are all but impossible to trace back to their point of origin. Steven Stevenson's Colt DPMS rifle, for example, would have been traceable back to the seller had its serial number not been obliterated. The drum magazine found on the rifle had no serial number. Wong said that is because ammunition magazines for public sale are not serialized. The only exceptions, he said, are for prototype munitions tested by the military.”—The East Bay Express