Alternate Realities Roundup: 1/25 | Buzz Blog
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Alternate Realities Roundup: 1/25



From auditing the Pentagon to ordering the EPA to regulate all greenhouse gases, The Nation looks at 20 ways President Barack Obama can push a progressive agenda through executive orders.---

Top of the Alty World

“Yes He Can: Twenty Ways Obama Can Use Executive Power to Push a Progressive Agenda”—The Nation

Slate analyzes what’s been gained through the filibuster compromise in the U.S. Senate.—Slate

The U.S. domestic marijuana business is growing in size and sophistication, even having its own college for aspiring weed entrepreneurs.—Fort Worth Weekly

Top of Alty Utah

District Attorneys struggle with investigating police who use deadly force.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Q Salt Lake previews 2013 bill affecting LGBT Utahns.—Q Salt Lake

Local homeless advocates are looking for volunteers to help a conduct a comprehensive survey of Utah’s homeless populations.—RadioActive!

A Utah lawmaker is looking to put more government records online into an easily searchable database.—Utah Political Capitol


Salon looks at how a female New Mexico state lawmaker is backing away from a bill she proposed that would have required victims of rape to carry fetuses to term as “evidence.” State Rep. Cathrynn Brown says she has been “horrified” by what she says are the mistaken implications of her own bill that she is now reworking since the bill received national attention.

“What a perfectly apt word. “Horrified” is exactly how one should feel about Brown’s sneaky, cruel and desperately punitive-to-victims bill. Too bad she’s horrified at being exposed for such a dumb, callous attempt to criminalize reproductive rights instead of at the idiotic obstacles continually thrown in the path of women seeking safe, legal abortions. But if you’re looking for proof of the callousness of the anti-abortion movement and the extreme lengths to which they’ll go, you can at least give credit to Brown for providing the one thing she seems to care so very much about. Evidence.”—Salon

The Long View

Q Salt Lake looks at a recent double suicide of an elderly gay couple and asks how the community can recognize the problems of aged gay populations.

“Older gay couples, as well as singles, often become invisible in our community as they age. What they saw as the “gay scene” no longer seems to welcome them. Many, having grown up in a time where homosexuality was severely looked down upon, are not out to their family or friends and, therefore, become reclusive lest someone find out their ‘secret.’ Many who were open to their families are now are estranged, facing rejection on religious or other lines. Indeed, no obituary was placed by any friends or family for either of these two men.”—Q Salt Lake