Red Butte Garden Announces First Concert of 2013 | Buzz Blog
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Red Butte Garden Announces First Concert of 2013


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Here's a hint for who will play the Red Butte Garden stage on June 25. It's a boy-girl duo -- if you could call "him," a singer-songwriter folk and producer legend, a boy. She ... well, you either love or hate this spunky pixie girl. And the twosome has their third record duo out later this year.---

OK, you probably guessed it: It's She & Him, the folk-pop duo made up of producer M. Ward and songwriter Zooey Deschanel. Crunchy guitars over shiny, countrified lyrics whilst you sip wine and eat fancy foods from your cooler -- what's not to love?

She & Him will release Volume 3 May 7 -- just in time to play the fresh tracks in concert.

According to, the date for pre-sale tickets is TBA, but general-sale tickets will be available May 6. Check Red Butte Garden's website for more info.

Here's a taste of She & Him, taken from a MTV Canada performance.