Local Releases: From The Bitter Cold To Simply Cold | Buzz Blog
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Local Releases: From The Bitter Cold To Simply Cold


Entering February, we've had some last minute changes. Three release shows got canceled or postponed until further notice, leaving only one to discuss this weekend. --- First, let's look at a few stragglers from January, starting with the latest release from Kudo. Kudo is the one-man project by Alpine-based producer Zac Duvall, who over the past two years has had three EPs that have failed to land a mark on the music scene, but his latest shows some promise, as Flights Vol. 2 is a full-length sequel to his February 2012 EP. The album is very sampled and glitch-experimental, but for anyone looking for a decent set of beats, this album makes a fine rapper's mix. You can download it for a “name your price” tag off his Bandcamp page.


In a more acoustic spectrum, last month also saw the debut release from singer/songwriter Billy Shaddox. The San Diego transplant (seen above, courtesy of his Facebook) made his way to SLC a short time ago, mainly playing small gigs and partnering up with other singers, but it looks as if he decided to venture out on his own with his first full-length album, Golden Fate. If you're a fan of '60s and '70s folk and the old-school sound of a recording session, this may be right up your alley, as it harkens back to the days when aspiring musicians would drag their case to the coast, buy some time in a cheap studio and get a record deal. These are some very soft and lilting tunes for folk and Americana fans to enjoy. You can purchase a copy of the album off his Bandcamp page for just $6.


And then finally tonight, we'll see the debut album from Polytype. I won't need to go into much detail, as it was already covered in this week's issue of City Weekly by Sarah Kramer. But I will say that after listening to the album several times over for the past couple of months, this one is already on par to becoming one of the best of 2013, and if the band plays their cards right they are probably due to be the next breakout band from Utah County. You can pick up a copy of Basic//Complex tonight at Velour, as the band plays their release show with Lake Island and Mideau. Just $8, starting at 8.


Love music, head out, buy local!