The Hack Stamp: MAN OF STEEL | Buzz Blog
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The Hack Stamp: MAN OF STEEL


Look! Up on the web! It's the sadly predictable Superman references in Man of Steel reviews! ---

There's nothing like a pop-culture icon to "inspire" Hack Stamp-worthy wordplay, and some of the usual suspects are out again to tell us how "super" Man of Steel is or isn't:

“It may not be super, but it’s pretty good.” – Tom Long, Detroit News

“The Man of Steel is not super, man. Not even close.” – Gary Wolcott, Tri-City Herald

Man of Steel is not so super.” – Lloyd Carroll, Queens Chronicle

“The film is solid, not super.” – Stella Papamichael, RadioTimes

“There are some ideas here that are admirable, sure, but are they enough to make Man of Steel super? Not so much.” – Anders Wright, U-T San Diego

Then the vintage catch-phrases come out in force:

“The easily pleased may get ‘up up and away’ on such garish window-dressing but those interested in Superstorytelling will find themselves falling to Earth with a bump all too quickly.” – The Irish News (no byline)

Man of Steel isn’t a flop. Nor does it go up, up and away.” – Rick Bentley, Fresno Bee

“… there’s reason to hope that future chapters will really lift us up, up and away.” – Peter Howell, The Star (Toronto)

“Guess we’ll have to hope the inevitable sequel lifts this venerable franchise up, up and away.” – Chuck Vinch, Navy Times

“Shannon and Cavill have one high-flying fight in the film that will send your jaw to the floor faster than a speeding bullet.” – Jacob Burch,

“… faster than a speeding bullet, this sets Man of Steel up for some superhero sequels.” – Bruce Kirkland, Jam! Movies

“It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the broodiest Superman ever depicted.” – Sandie Angulo Chen, Moviefone

“A righteous, riveting relaunch leaving no doubt that, even after 80 years, you still don’t tug on Superman’s cape!” – Kam Williams,

“You'll believe a man can fly, but this one never truly soars.” – James Dawson, Back Row Reviews

And then there's this masterwork, which, while a transcript from an on-air review and not a written review, is a masterpiece worthy of Gene Shalit himself:

“It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane ... and thankfully, it’s not a turkey. But with a super budget of over $225 million, Hollywood should have given us a SUPER Superman movie, right? Well, Man of Steel isn’t super ... but it’s not a Kryptonian bomb, either.” – Russ Simmons,