Glad You Asked: Nekromantix, John Wayne and Bad Veins | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Nekromantix, John Wayne and Bad Veins



Dear GYA, I don't know why people are making fun of Marissa Powell for saying we need to "create education better." This is an important issue. That's why I created the Derrick Zoolander School For Kids Who Can't Read Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good, Too. Because there's more to life than being really, really ridiculously good-looking.---Anything happening today after we figure out how to create education better? - Derrick Zoolander

Derrick,  This is a big issue. Utah ranks last in spending for public education, so maybe it's time to figure out a way to create education better. Here's what's up for today:

Danish-American psychobilly band the Nekromantix will be preforming at In The Venue tonight. The show starts at 8. Tickets are $17.

It's Film Buff Night at Brewvies, which means film lovers can enjoy a free screening of a classic film from years past. Tonight's movie is the John Wayne 1956 film, The Searchers

Indie-pop band Bad Veins will be onstage at Kilby Court 7 p.m. Kevin Edwards and Glass Hands are also on the bill. Tickets are $10 at the door. 

For today's complete list of things to do, click here.  
