Five Degrees of Create Education Better | Buzz Blog
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Five Degrees of Create Education Better



Last week, Marissa Powell, aka Miss Utah 2013, got handed a convoluted, humdinger of a question at the Miss USA Beauty pageant. For the unaware, it all went south when Real Housewives of Atlanta and mascara-depository NeNe Leakes asked a three-part head-scratcher and Powell blurted out "Create education better."---

At that very moment, all of Utah simultaneously smashed their palms into their faces, and immediately following her mouth-malfunction, the Internet exploded. Here in Utah, people either distanced themselves from the train wreck or rushed to her aid.  Did she get screwed with a crappy question? Sure, of course she did. Did she blow it and make us all look like slack-jawed yocals? Yes, definitely. But, am I thankful this happened? Yer derned right.

To be clear, I'm not thankful this has happened to Powell for any malicious reasons; in fact, I feel terrible for her. Whatever your feelings are about her, beauty pageants or public speaking, you can't deny that “Create education better” will haunt Powell and the state of Utah forever. Hell, it might as well replace the giant white "U" on the hill above the University of Utah's campus.

No, I'm glad this happened to her because I think there's a silver lining here that shouldn't be overlooked. Because of her cringe-worthy answer, people in Utah are now starting to talk about our failing, public schools. I guess years of statistics and facts don't matter, but when a hot model makes us all look bad, it'll get the point across. Anyway, this awareness is a good thing, considering how Utah schools receive less funding than schools in Mississippi ... yeah, Mississippi. 

So, what better way to figure out what Miss Utah really meant to say than a wordy game of 5 Degrees of Create Education Better:

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