Web Therapy Season 3: Just Watch It, Already | Buzz Blog
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Web Therapy Season 3: Just Watch It, Already


Yeah, yeah—you’re all geeked out on Dexter, and maybe a little Ray Donovan. Didya know there are other series on Showtime? And not on Sundays? True fact. ---

Like, comedy Web Therapy, which is premiering for Season 3 tonight: Dr. Fiona Wallace’s (Lisa Kudrow) three-minute Internet-therapy biz continues for another year; she’s (mostly) over her now-out gay Republican husband (Victor Garber) and ready to take on new patients, like a gambling addict (Matt LeBlanc), a religious cult leader (Steve Carell), her ex-husband, who is now a woman (Chelsea Handler) and Project Runway judge Nina Garcia (Nina Garcia). Web Therapy is so funny, you’d be crazy not to watch. I know; I just can’t turn off the genius machine.