Glad You Asked: Magnificent Butcher, So So Glos, Marching Bands | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Magnificent Butcher, So So Glos, Marching Bands



Dear GYA, Last night, I lost New York City's mayoral race. To make matters worse, my wife didn't show up to my concession speech and my mistress, Sydney Leathers, chased me through a McDonalds. I then topped off the night by flipping the bird to the media from my limo. I honestly feel bad about that last part.--- But, I'm not gonna live in the past, so anything happening today for a horny politician with nothing to lose? - Anthony Weiner 

Anthony, It's good to move forward. I wish you nothing but luck on your quest. Here's what's up for tonight:

Brooklyn-based punk band The So So Glos will be at Kilby Court. Diarrhea Planet is also on the bill. The show starts at 8. Tickets are $10.   

March Fourth Marching Band, the experimental-jazz-fusion band from Portland, will be onstage at The State Room. Jack + Jill will open things up. Tickets are $17. The show starts at 8.  

It's the second Wednesday of the month, which means tonight is Kung Fu Theater at Brewvies. Tonight's flick is the Samo Hung classic The Magnificent Butcher. The show starts at 7. Tickets are $6. 

For today's complete list of things to do, click here.

Twitter: @WolfColin