Team Behind Home Depot Proposal Flick Are Trying to Make You Cry | Buzz Blog
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Team Behind Home Depot Proposal Flick Are Trying to Make You Cry



Do you cry at videos on the Internet? If so, this is not the place for you; I mean, unless you like that. A short film entitled “A Day in the Life” premiered last week at the 2013 Utah Allies dinner and is definitely a tearjerker. The locally produced video shows an example of the discrimination that those with LGBT lifestyles face in the workplace.---

"A Day in the Life" was produced by SLC-based company Reelboy Productions, which also filmed and edited the recent web hit "Spencer's Home Depot Marriage Proposal." Reelboy's founder, Jonathan Adamson, says he was inspired to make "A Day in the Life" after working on a documentary about those who had been mistreated at work or lost their jobs because of their sexualities.

More information and opportunities for advocacy can be found at Equality Utah's website.

Twitter: @IvyASmith