Glad You Asked: Juicy J, Bonobo and Foreigner | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Juicy J, Bonobo and Foreigner



Dear GYA, This year for Halloween, I've decided to save a little scratch and not hand out any candy. Instead, I'll be performing fantastic magic tricks and mind-bending illusions! Yes, something tells me that the neighborhood kids will forget all about candy once I show them this amazing disappearing-coin trick. Anything happening tonight after I clean up all the eggs, toilet paper and flaming dog-doo off of my house? - Georgio Thoursberg, Sugar House---

Georgio, I like where your head's at on this subject. Also, when you're done with the magic trick, be sure to hand the kids a travel-size tube of toothpaste. Here's what's up for Halloween: 

If you're looking for the largest gathering of Miley Cyrus costumes, check out Juicy J at The Depot tonight. DJ Juggy is also on the bill. The show starts at 9. Tickets are $45. 

Down-tempo electronica producer, DJ and multi-instrumentalist Bonobo will be at The Complex. Real Magic will open things up. The party starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25.  

Classic-rock legends Foreigner will be performing at the Covey Center For The Arts tonight at 8:30. Tickets start at $45.  

If you still haven't pulled the trigger on what to do tonight, here's a massive list of SLC's best bar and club Halloween parties

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here.

Twitter: @WolfColin