The new comedy, which casts Sylvester Stallone and Robert DeNiro as aging ex-boxing rivals brought out of retirement for a senior-citizen showdown, has received mostly negative reviews from critics. But you can bet that most of those pans will be trotting out the boxing metaphors. See if you can spot the common themes!
“…it feels like something that belongs on the undercard, never reaching the heights of a main event.” – Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times
“Even though it’s all preliminaries, no main event, Grudge Match is harmless enough as entertainment.” – David Hiltbrand, Philadelphia Inquirer
“…this is strictly a preliminary bout that can easily be skipped.” – Jeffrey Lyles, Lyles’ Movie Files
“… the jokes in this in-ring comedy land with an embarrassing thud, and the script is as wobbly as a punch drunk fighter struggling to stay on his feet. Sadly for the filmmakers, it’s the audience that will throw in the towel long before the final round. … Grudge Match isn’t a fight worth fighting.” – Adam Graham, The Detroit News
“When Grudge Match pokes fun at the fight film genre, it lands some comic blows. It eventually loses the battle on points, though, when the more serious story lines get in the way.” – Rick Bentley, Fresno Bee
“Doesn’t wind up face down on the mat, but this recycling of Grumpy Old Men with boxing gloves certainly loses on points.” – Frank Swietek, One Guy’s Opinion
“… should land some punches, though not a knockout blow, in the Christmas B.O. frame.” – Andrew Barker, Variety
“… this Grudge Match is winners take all and losers bought tickets. Now, tap gloves, and cash those paychecks.” – Steve Persall, Tampa Bay Times
“…will leave you walking out of the theater like you watched a fixed fight. … [W]ith Grudge's cast and premise, even in a fall full of potent films, this could have been a contender.” – Scott Bowles, USA Today