The shadowy Dark Money group The Government Integrity Fund spent most of its money on illegal electioneering and faced no consequences from the IRS.---
Top of the Alty World
“What Happens When a Dark Money Group Blows Off IRS Rules? Nothing.”--ProPublica
The GOP denounces Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's “negro” rant, but the party's race problems still linger—The Root
The clean energy has a found unlikely ally with the Tea Party in defending solar power against big utility companies.--Mother Jones
Fast food workers make 1,200 times as much as one of their employees.--The Nation
Top of Alty Utah
A newspaper deal threatens Utah's independent daily newspaper.--Columbia Journalism Review
A new community coalition has pledged to help the homeless around the Pioneer Park area.--Utah Political Capitol
Idea man Jonathan Johnson could be a wild card in the 2016 Governor's race.--Utah Policy
A recently released report details the “What the f***?” and “CYA” moments during the Attorney General's prosecution of a controversial case.--Salt Lake City Weekly
Stephanie Lauritzen reflects on Huck Finn and the decision to do the right thing even if it means damnation by your peers and community.
“I try to be as brave as Huck. Like Huck, I’ve stood at the brink of disaster, torn “betwixt two things” and forced to decide “for-ever” which one I would choose. I’ve tried to pray and I can’t. Raised in a homophobic and benignly patriarchal religion, I’ve climbed a tree (wearing pants) to avoid being killed in the multigenerational feud between equality and sexism raging in my church. I’ve been called much worse than a coward for refusing to accept my role as a second-class citizen in the LDS faith. And if the people who love the outcast and oppressed go to hell, I want to go too, because that’s where my friends are.”--Salt Lake City Weekly
The Long View
The Rolling Stone looks at Obama's last chance to do anything meaningful on climate change.
“President Obama is not even halfway through his second term yet, but you can almost feel the cement hardening around his feet. The glory days of hope and change have faded, his approval rating has flat-lined below 50 percent, and jockeying for 2016 has begun in earnest. But for Obama, the game ain't over yet. In the next few months, he will take one of the biggest gambles of his presidency by testing the radical proposition that even SUV-loving Americans believe that global warming is real and are ready to do something about it.”--Rolling Stone