Dead Air Radio | Buzz Blog
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Dead Air Radio


A while ago we talked about the launch of 801 FM, the rebranded community internet radio station who had been making a valiant push to bring about music and live shows to the extra-terrestrial airwaves. Within a short few months they've become a greater public force than it's predecessor and given the state a whole new set of programs to enjoy. One of the more popular shows rising the wave is Dead Air Radio, a show focused on all things horror from the original films and books all the way to today's gore-filled slaughterhouse films. Today we chat with the founder and co-host of the show, Nick Sànchez, about his love for the genre and starting up the show. (All pictures courtesy of Dead Air Radio.)

Nick Sànchez

Gavin: Hey Nick, first thing, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Nick: I was born and raised here in Salt Lake City. I'm a proud father of three awesome boys, a bartender at Brewvies Cinema Pub, and I'm the Ghost Host on Dead Air Radio.

Gavin: What first got you interested in horror and a genre and what were some of your favorite items growing up?

Nick: Halloween was always a special time for me. Halloween decorations, the spooky costumes, witches, ghosts, spiders and bats all sparked excitement in my early childhood. Another big part of my youth was the horror section at the local mom and pop video rental stores. Even when I was too young to watch most of the titles, I remember being thrilled with excitement by the VHS covers and movie posters that I would find as I would venture in to that section of the store.


Gavin: What really pushed you to make horror the thing you collected and became knowledgeable in?

Nick: Horror (in general) is so vast, every culture has their own scary stories they tell that are a reflection of the real horror in that culture or just the fear of the unknown. I like that I can hear/watch horrific tales from all around the world and be safe to enjoy it for entertainment, because it is only a movie or a story. With the horror genre being so vast, I never run out of material. I'm always finding a new movie to watch or a story to read.

Gavin: How was it for you being a horror-geek in the entire realm of pop-culture geeks?

Nick: It is good. I can relate to just about any geek that is in to pop-culture. I'm a big sci-fi and cult film geek too. So whether it be movies, comics, or video games; I can find something in common with them.


Gavin: Prior to the show, what did you do to express your opinions to the public?

Nick: Writing to websites, magazines and podcasts. Rue Morgue magazine in particular.

Gavin: How did the idea come about to start up your own show about it, and why Dead Air Radio?

Nick: I needed an outlet. I watch and collect so many movies, read about movies and just talk about horror in general to friends all the time. So its a good way to learn more about the genre and spread the word.


Gavin: When did you first hear about 801FM and what made you decide to approach them about a show?

Nick: I had been a guest on on my friend's show A Steady Diet of Music a couple of times and had listened to that show and a few others for awhile. Tui (one of 801FM's managers) and the guys from Steady Diet (Skunk, Brandon, and Andrew) thought I should have my own show. So I didn't really approach them they approached me, and I'm very glad they did.

Gavin: When you finally got approved to do it, what was it like putting the format together, and what made you choose Rich Misery as a co-host?

Nick: I knew right away that it would be a horror show and as far as format, it is always evolving. I try to keep things as fresh and open as possible, so anything creepy or spooky (in any form) you'll hear it on our show. I've know Rich for many years. I knew he would be a great co-host because he lives and breathes horror; from the music he plays, to the tattoos on his skin. Hell, he probably eats Count Chocula for breakfast.


Gavin: What were your first few shows like for you and what lessons did you learn early on?

Nick: It is still early on for us and we still learn new things every show. That is one thing I love about the show, I'm constantly learning new things about the genre, humanity, myself, and feedback from our listeners.

Gavin: How do you go about planning each show and what you plan to discuss?

Nick: We have done a couple of themed shows. On one, we cover all the Friday The 13th movies. On another, we just recently did, a Werewolf two part episode where we not only talked about werewolves in pop-culture, but we covered clinical cases of lycanthropy and folklore. On one show, we went on a ghost tour with Grimm Ghost Tours, which was very fun. Sometimes we just cover news in horror or whatever movies, comics, or video games we've enjoyed the week prior.


Gavin: Knowing the genre and knowing how much bad horror there is with the good, do you find yourself censoring what you discuss and keeping it on your interests? Or do you branch out as much as possible?

Nick: Rich and I are very open-minded as far as the horror genre is concerned. We definitely do not censor what we talk about. We both love b-movies, low-budget movies, and bad movies along with the great ones. On the last show, we were joking about doing a segment called Bad Dudes On Bad Movies. We definitely want to branch out as much as possible. There is so much to learn out there and there are always new and old things we encounter in the world of horror.

Gavin: How is it for you as a fan to be talking about horror and reaching out to an audience that loves it as well?

Nick: It's amazing. Talking about what excites me with people who get excited about the same stuff creates a certain energy that only geeks understand.

Gavin: Where do you feel the genre is going these days and what new things are making you the most interested?

Nick: It seems like there are more TV shows that have a horror theme these days; which I think is cool, because it is expanding my horizons (being not much of a TV show watcher). Of course, there are the classic anthology shows like Twilight Zone and Tales From The Crypt (which I love) but the new series' that have me interested are serials such as American Horror Story, Penny Dreadful, True Detective, Walking Dead and The Strain. In the past decade, it seems like the best horror films have come from other countries such as France, Japan, Spain and Mexico. I enjoy these because not only is it like going somewhere new by watching a movie, but it is also like taking a trip into a different culture altogether.

Gavin: Do you have any plans to expand the show beyond what you're doing now, or sticking with the current format for a while?

Nick: I'd like to eventually make a YouTube channel called Dead Air TV that would include interviews, tours, behind the scenes on film sets, and maybe screening films at a local movie theater.


Gavin: What can we expect from both yourself and the show over the rest of the year?

Nick: I'd like to bring a type of horror community together with the show. Whether it be haunted attractions, films, music, or any type of art to express ones' self through horror.

Gavin: Aside from the obvious, is there anything you'd like to promote or plug?

Nick: Check out Rich's band, Shadow Wind Hawk & The Morticians, shop Black Cat Comics for all your horror comic needs, my friends at who design an array of geek-themed shirts and created our Dead Airlines logo, BPC Productions (check out their YouTube channel for funny short films that I have been known to appear in), Salty Horror Convention and Film Festival, Original Hoolagan Stencil Art and all the other shows on