If you're into bands with sweet animal names, Deer Tick is playing tonight | Buzz Blog
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If you're into bands with sweet animal names, Deer Tick is playing tonight


Dear GYA, Ah dude, I looove deer bands, man. Deer Tick, Deer Hunter, Deer Hoof, The Deer Tracks, they're all amazing. Wolf bands are OK too, I guess. Sea Wolf, Wolf Parade, We Are Wolves, Wolf Eyes,Turbo Wolf, they'll do the job if you're in a pinch. The worst animal bands, bro? Horse bands. Band of Horses, Horse Feathers, Night Horse, An Horse, Toy Horses, those guys suck. Anything sweet deer bands playing tonight? - Frank Reesher 

Frank, the best animal-themed bands are by far bird bands—The Eagles, Eagle Eye Cherry, Flock of Seagulls, Sheryl Crow, Robyn, Herbie Hancock. Anyway, here's what's going down tonight: 

Indie rock band Deer Tick is playing at Urban Lounge this evening. T. Hardy Morris & the Hardknocks are also performing. The show starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are $20. 

Dan Boeckner's '80s rock band Operators will be at Kilby Court. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $12. 

Geeks Who Drink pub trivia is happening at Willie's Lounge. The quizzin' starts at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free! 

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