If you really want to know where your jerky goes, check out Body Worlds at The Leonardo | Buzz Blog
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If you really want to know where your jerky goes, check out Body Worlds at The Leonardo


Dear GYA, I just got back from Body Worlds at The Leonardo and yo, did you know that the human body doesn't have a whiny little Stephen A. Smith chilling inside the stomach? Nah dude, there's all kinds of weird stuff in that thing. Anything happening today as illuminating as Body Worlds? - Blake Gustol, Rose Park 

Blake, I'm glad you now understand that the human body does not resemble the inside of Richard Sherman's stomach via those crappy Oberto beef jerky commercials. Here's what's going on tonight: 

As mentioned, Body Worlds & The Cycle of Life is happening at The Leonardo till 10 p.m. tonight. Check their website for complete hours and schedules. Tickets range from $14.95 to $19.95. 

Folk singer Parker Millsap will be at The State Room this evening. John Fullbright and Elephant Revival are also on the bill. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $13. 

Brooklyn-based indie band The Drums will be at Urban Lounge tonight with support from local band Jawwzz. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $13.

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here.