TV Tonight: Jane the Virgin, Tiny & Shekina’s Weave Trip | Buzz Blog
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TV Tonight: Jane the Virgin, Tiny & Shekina’s Weave Trip


Jane the Virgin (The CW)
  • Jane the Virgin (The CW)

What’s new on the tube tonight:

Jane the Virgin (The CW) Series Debut: Accidental artificial insemination? Let's say it's a thing. During a routine checkup, engaged 23-year-old virgin Jane (Gina Rodriguez) is inadvertently inseminated with a sample meant for another patient—making matters even worse, the sample is from her handsome, crush-worthy boss at the hotel where she works! How will she explain this to her family? Her fiance? The idiotic Christian groups who think Jane the Virgin is a show about abortion? If you loved Ugly Betty but thought it never went telenovela hard enough, Jane is for you. Spoiler: No abortion.

Tiny & Shekina’s Weave Trip (VH1) Series Debut: Who? What? Why? Huh?