Celebrate Danksgiving tonight at The Royal | Buzz Blog
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Celebrate Danksgiving tonight at The Royal


Dear GYA, Yo, Thanksgiving is cool and all, but for me, it's really all about Danksgiving. What is Danksgiving, you ask? Well, this annual holiday all about good vibes, good friends and or course, good dank. Every year I take the time to give danks to my heady, steadfast brethren. What are you dankful for this year? - Moon Forest, Salt Lake City 

Moon, I also like to recognize Danksgiving. This year, I'll be celebrating at The Royal. Here's the details: 

Danksgiving will be going down at The Royal this evening with local reggae bands Green Leefs, Herban Empire and Slow Ride. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5.

A few other options for tonight: 

Park City Live will also be hosting a night of reggae with bands The Green and former B2K rapper J Boog. Doors open at 8pm. The show starts at 9pm. Tickets are $18.

R&B singer Tinashe will be at The Hotel for Yam Jam 2014. DJ Erockalypze is also performing. The show starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are $20. 

Local rock band Royal Bliss will be headlining at The Depot tonight. American Hitmen, October Rage, Otherwise and Bobaflex will open up. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $22.  

For today's complete list of things to do, click here