Movie Reviews: The Age of Adaline, Little Boy, Water Diviner | Buzz Blog
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Movie Reviews: The Age of Adaline, Little Boy, Water Diviner

Plus: Desert Dancer, Ex Machina


The mysteries of faith, immortality and artificial intelligence are all part of this week's new releases in Utah theaters.

Scott Renshaw enjoys the swoony romantic drama (and great Harrison Ford performance) in The Age of Adaline (pictured), even when it's trying too hard to be taken seriously. Artists trying to survive the repressive Iranian regime make for some stuffy fact-based drama in Desert Dancer, except when the wonderful desert dancing is actually going on. The faith-based period piece Little Boy introduces some daring ideas about what it means to believe, until the ending falls apart with pandering nonsense.

MaryAnn Johanson finds Russell Crowe's directing debut The Water Diviner attempting to cling to gritty realism despite its fantastical premise.

In this week's feature review, Scott Renshaw doesn't mind if Ex Machina doesn't really have all that much to say about artificial intelligence and humanity, as long as Oscar Isaac is showing us why he's one of the most talented actors in the world.