Local Releases: Cherishing What We've Got | Buzz Blog
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Local Releases: Cherishing What We've Got

Brand new albums from Cherish DeGraaf, Channing Olivia Hyde, Epoch Strata and more.


While we're slowly headed into recovery mode from all the film festival action this past week, we're also getting back to having release shows on a more regular basis. We got one happening at the start of February, but first, here's some local albums that were put online. Thumb through the digital discography below, then read up on the single release show this week.


Epoch Strata - Hyperkinetic
Savvy Yola - Badman Aquitted
Brad Hart - Uplift
P.P.P.P. - Self-Titled (EP)


Channing Olivia Hyde - More Now Than Before
Lyndzie Jo & Tyler Chen - The Beginning
Machine Language - The Cliché (EP)
Austin Archer - Corey Feldman


The one show we have coming up in the next week happens on Feb. 2 at Velour, as we see the latest from Cherish DeGraaf. DeGraff is a singer/songwriter based out of Provo who has been getting some traction the past couple years with the folk crowd. Last year she released her debut EP called Find, and now we're seeing the follow-up EP: Giver.  You can snag a copy on Thursday at Velour as she performs with Emilee Holgate, Ashley Taylor and Cole opening. Tickets are $7 and doors open at 8 p.m.


Love music, head out, buy local!