Movie Reviews: Patti Cake$, Lost in Paris, I Do...Until I Don't, Close Encounters | Buzz Blog
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Movie Reviews: Patti Cake$, Lost in Paris, I Do...Until I Don't, Close Encounters


A disappointing box-office summer winds to a close with only a few small releases, and one 40-year-old blockbuster worth revisiting.

Writer/director Lake Bell's ensemble comedy gets bogged down in an exaggerated premise in I Do ... Until I Don't (pictured). The classic French clowning tradition gets an enjoyably silly contemporary updating in Lost in Paris. The Sundance crowd-pleaser Patti Cake$ takes a familiar underdog-artist premise and invests it with at least a little fresh energy and a solid lead performance.

In this week's feature, the 40th-anniversary theatrical re-release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind shows why it's a story we need right now.

Also opening this week, but not screened for critics: the long-delayed period romantic drama Tulip Fever; a trio of long-time friends is thrown for a loop when one of them comes out as gay in the Spanish-language comedy Hazlo Como Hombre.