Movie Reviews: The Breadwinner, Indivisible | Buzz Blog
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Movie Reviews: The Breadwinner, Indivisible


It's an empty week for new wide-releases post-Thanksgiving, but a couple of new entries hit art houses, including the year's best animated feature.

In The Breadwinner (pictured), fanciful animation mixes magnificently with stark violence to adapt Deborah Ellis' book about a young girl in Taliban-era Kabul forced to disguise herself as a boy to support her family.

MaryAnn Johanson finds the Italian drama Indivisible swinging wildly between  pathos and shock in its tale of conjoined twins who tire of allowing their father to use their freak-show singing act as his meal ticket.

In this week's feature, MaryAnn Johanson asks on the 20th anniversary of Titanic why we didn't all end up sick to death of copycats of the most popular movie of all time.