Movie Reviews: Dumbo, Hotel Mumbai, The Beach Bum, The Mustang, The Aftermath | Buzz Blog
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Movie Reviews: Dumbo, Hotel Mumbai, The Beach Bum, The Mustang, The Aftermath


  • Neon Films
Disney's big-eared elephant flies into multiplexes, along with a number of specialty offerings ranging from stoner McConaughey to the tale of a real-life terrorist tragedy.

Tim Burton's remake of Dumbo fleshes out the original's thin narrative, but forgets to bring its soul. Hotel Mumbai walks perilously close to exploitation by finding the tension in a fact-based terror attack but not enough humanity. Matthias Schoenaerts brings his talent for wounded masculinity to The Mustang.  Matthew McConaughey (pictured) beautifully commits to the bit as a man who just wants to have fun  The Beach Bum (pictured).

MaryAnn Johanson finds The Aftermath using wartime as merely a cheap backdrop for beautiful people Keira Knightley and Alexander Skarsgård getting it on.

Also opening this week, but not screened for press: the fact-based story of a Planned Parenthood employee who undergoes an anti-abortion change of heart in Unplanned.

In this week's feature, Caden Mark Gardner explores The Matrix on its 20th anniversary through the lens of trans awakening.