Music Update Feb. 25: Locals on a Virtual Chicago Stage | Buzz Blog
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Music Update Feb. 25: Locals on a Virtual Chicago Stage


Local movers and shakers in the design and sound scenes are appearing tonight on a virtual stage technically far from home, by way of Chicago-based Experimental Sound Studio’s stream “In Particulates,” the latest occurrence of their Quarantine Concerts. A collaboration with the Univeristy of Utah’s Digital Matters, and curated by assistant professor of the design program, Milad Mozari, the digital Twitch stream will feature Utah artists mixed together with a handful from Qatar, Taiwan and South Korea for a multi-faceted, site-specific “performance in response to the built and natural environment[s]” of each artist’s home. Utah artists featured include Nora Price (pictured), a local dancer and member of the dance-synth trio Durian Durian, who were frequent guests on many a Utah stage before the pandemic. Price will be joined by fellow dance-world local Mitsu Salmon, an award winning performance and visual artist, who has studied, performed and held residencies all over the country and world. Utah talent will be rounded out by University of Utah design students Jackson Kerbs and David Onwukeme. Tune in tonight at 6 p.m. for this multi-disciplinary stream featuring our very own local artists and some talent from far away, too. Visit for the stream.