Along Those Lines | Entertainment Picks | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Along Those Lines

Through March 3 @ Rio Grande Depot


Formalist, minimal and stemming from a common interest in the practice of drawing, the exhibition Along Those Lines at the Rio Gallery explores the intersection of three artists whom Salt Lake City has rarely viewed. Allan Ludwig, Roland Thompson and Jared Lindsay Clark explore the action of drawing through a modernist lens.

Showing with two of his contemporaries from the BYU undergrad painting program, Clark investigates drawing through video/performance, and installation and sculpture. Using a colorful array of Sharpie markers, Clark became interested in—and began filming, from beneath a glass surface—the bleed that occurs from allowing the tips to linger at one point. This idea extended into performance—which he executed live at the opening, and will again throughout the duration of the show—where he imposed limitations, including balancing the markers in his eye sockets while pressing them against paper. (Hence the title “bleed from the eyes.”) The drawings, like others in the show, stand on their own as smart, well-displayed works in an apt show exploring this theme.

Along Those Lines @ Rio Grande Depot, 300 S. Rio Grande Street (455 West), through March 3