Blade Runner: The Final Cut | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Blade Runner: The Final Cut

Rated R 118 minutes 2007

Deckard (Harrison Ford) is forced by the police Boss (M. Emmet Walsh) to continue his old job as Replicant Hunter. His assignment: eliminate four escaped Replicants from the colonies who have returned to Earth. Before starting the job, Deckard goes to the Tyrell Corporation and he meets Rachel (Sean Young), a Replicant girl he falls in love with.

Film Credits

Official Site:

Director: Ridley Scott

Writer: Hampton Fancher and David Webb Peoples

Producer: Michael Deeley, Hampton Fancher, Brian Kelly, Jerry Perenchio, Ivor Powell, Ridley Scott, Run Run Shaw and Bud Yorkin

Cast: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh, Daryl Hannah, William Sanderson, Brion James, Joe Turkel, Joanna Cassidy, James Hong, Morgan Paull, Kevin Thompson, John Edward Allen, Hy Pyke, Kimiro Hiroshige, Robert Okazaki and Carolyn DeMirjian

Show Times

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