What have you learned from your illness?
I learned to trust in God. That even though we pass through hard times, we can also have fun and we are never alone. It is not only me that has a brain tumor. There are many kids, too, who need help.
What would you say to other kids going through the same thing?
Jesus loves you; don’t worry, you don’t have to be afraid, because God is with you. If you need a friend, I can be your friend.
What have others done to help you share your experience of having a brain tumor?
They help me with presentations about brain tumors. The kids listen and respect what we are doing about brain tumors. My school helped me a lot. There are people helping with a Website (AKid4Christ.com, still under construction).
How have your friends and classmates helped you?
They give me love, they are nice and kind to me, they do fun things for me—like the school party they had for me last week—and they are selling T-shirts and having the fundraiser.
What is the most important thing someone can do to help?
Pray for me and other kids with tumors and trust in God.