The esteemed senior senator has not yet RSVP'd to this expectant constituent event, but his constituents plan to be there anyway. You should plan ahead, as there might be multiple opportunities to interface with the Utah delegation as the politicians head home (theoretically) for the two-week April congressional recess. After all that hard work destroying health care, they need a break. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, though, has received multiple invitations to host or attend public meetings and ignored them all. Permits are still being secured for this April Recess Rally, but the plan is to bring bagels and OJ, just in case he turns up. Wallace Bennett Federal Building, 125 S. State, Saturday, April 8, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.,
If you're sick of the victim-blaming, grab a banner and march to Take Back the Night in solidarity with sexual assault survivors to reclaim public places as safe places. Wear teal for sexual assault awareness—T-shirts are provided on a first come, first served basis. Sponsored by the Westminster Chapter of Students for Choice, the march runs from the University of Utah to Westminster College, with a shuttle for accessibility purposes. Hot drinks and treats are available during a talk by ACLU of Utah's Anna Thomas. University of Utah, 201 Presidents Circle, Wednesday, April 5, 5-8 p.m.,
Sponsored by a self-professed "nervy bunch of liberals and conservatives," Birds + Bees: Protecting and Educating Kids in a Sexualized America, offers dialogue and disagreement in an effort to bridge the ideological divide. No matter your views on sexting, sex-ed or Barbie dolls, you can attempt a civil conversation—and maybe learn something. The evening includes a light dinner, a panel discussion and the opportunity for you to cultivate the art of respectful listening and speaking among small groups of previously unknown friends. It's free but fills up quickly. Provo City Council Chambers, (mezzanine level), 351 W. Center St., Provo, 850-264-8785, Friday, March 31, 5:45-8:30 p.m., free, registration required,
Update: Congressman Chris Stewart's town hall has been postponed to Friday, March 31, at 7 p.m., so he could be in D.C. for the American Health Care Act vote. The venue is still West High School.