Club Fed visits Lunaberry | Club Fed Events | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Eat & Drink » Club Fed Events

Club Fed visits Lunaberry


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On July 31st Club Fed escaped the heat by visiting Lunaberry on 358 South 700 East. To kick off what turned out to be the perfect summer afternoon, Lunaberry owner YeeLing served up a three flavor yogurt sampler which included pistachio, original, and passion fruit. Afterwards, Club Fed members chose their favorite yogurt and topping combo and chilled out while YeeLing explained the process of making the perfect crepe.

Yeeling had Club Fed members experiment with a common internet crepe recipe so that members could see what differentiates Lunaberry from the competition. The difference being Lunaberry’s crepes are noticeably more flavorful and also have a more pleasing texture. Everyone was able to experiment with making their own crepes, and we also discovered that a couple of Club Fed members actually had natural crepe making skills.

After learning to make crepes, Club Fed left it up to the professionals and sampled Lunaberry’s Mango Chicken and Veggie Delight savory crepes. For dessert, everyone enjoyed their own personal Nutty Nutella Crepe with strawberries and almonds, as well as a sampler of yogurt smoothies.

Everything at Lunaberry was truly was fresh and delicious, and Club Fed would like to extend a big thank you to our awesome hostess YeeLing!

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