Correction: Best of Utah Blunders | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Correction: Best of Utah Blunders



In “Best of Utah 2011” [March 31, City Weekly]: La Sage Bistro was misspelled as was Mandi Nuttall’s My Beauty Campaign.  The Website for the Speedgoat 50k  should have been

One of our “best” blunders was leaving out the award for Living Planet Aquarium. Here is what readers should have read:

Best Penguins in Your Face
Living Planet Aquarium “Penguin Encounter”

Aquariums have typically been a great place to get closer to wild critters than zoos tend to permit. But you don’t usually expect to find penguins among the animals separated from you only by a layer of Plexiglas. The Living Planet Aquarium’s “Penguin Encounter” is set up like a South American research station for studying the Gentoo penguins, and you’ll feel like you could do that research yourself when you’re standing practically nose-to-beak with the playful birds, and have enough information on hand that you might even be able to identify them by name.
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