Don't Roll That Way | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Don't Roll That Way



Don't Roll That Way
We all know how bad the air can get along the Wasatch Front. There are all kinds of suggestions about what to do about it.

But there's one idea I haven't heard anyone talk about. It really bothers me that no one has said anything about diesel pickup trucks. The majority don't put out that much exhaust, but some do.

In fact, some of them are outright offensive. These guys are idiots who are protesting Obama's energy agenda. They are known as "coal rollers." They purposely adjust their engines to put out more exhaust.

I think the Legislature needs to pass a law against this.We did away with second-hand smoke. How about we do away with second-hand exhaust?
Brent Dayley

City Intolerant of Drought-Tolerant Plants
In the past two years, we removed the grass from our parking strip, because we felt it would be the water-wise thing to do. We put in Jupiter's beard, Russian sage and many other drought-tolerant plants, along with a drip system.

Now Herriman City has left a notice to inform us that we are in violation of the city code for parking strips and that we have two days to remove the plants or they will return and remove them..

Our neighbors always comment on how much they like our yard, and we thought we were doing the right thing in a drought-prone state.
William Hull

Life After Obergefell
A major battle in America's culture war has ended. Sort of.

In Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples are constitutionally entitled to state marriage licenses under the 14th Amendment's equal-protection and due-process clauses. Opponents of marriage apartheid celebrate; opponents of same-sex marriage mourn. I fall into the former camp, but I understand the concerns of those who find the ruling devastating. Here are a few tips on how to deal with it:

First, if you oppose same-sex marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex. Pretty easy, right? This isn't as bad as you're trying to make it out to be. You're still perfectly free to be heterosexual and marry someone of the opposite sex.

Second, if you are a government employee involved in the issuance of marriage licenses and your religious beliefs keep you from issuing those licenses to same-sex couples, quit and go find work in the private sector. You're entitled to your religious beliefs. You're not entitled to a government paycheck for refusing to do your job.

Third, if you are a private-sector worker whose job involves weddings—caterer, baker, florist, photographer or what have you—and your beliefs forbid you to participate in same-sex weddings, by all means stand your ground. Yes, there will be malicious, vexatious and frivolous litigation for awhile as activists try to legally enslave you. But those of us who really support marriage freedom support your freedom, too. We'll stand with you and defend your rights. You will win out.

The only differences post-Obergefell are that same-sex couples now fill out the same paperwork and pay the same fees as heterosexual couples, and for their trouble, are now entitled to the same state recognitions (benefits and penalties).
Thomas L. Knapp
Gainesville, Fla.

Correction: In the July 2 issue of City Weekly, an incorrect venue was given for a July 2 Night Demon show in the Music Live column and concert listings. The correct venue should have been Club X. A concert date for Falling in Reverse was also incorrect. The band performed in Murray on June 3.