Way To Meet Up
Now here's an idea to take you into a new realm of personal interaction. The fifth annual Awkward Celebration of Friends will take you out of the thankless bar-hopping regimen and into something new, if awkward. Tired of running into the same people over and over again? Tired of having to go to a bar or concert or some other miscellaneous outing that ends up being a disappointment/money sink? Plan to check out the park, see new faces and get out of your comfort zone. There could be a barbecue, but for sure there will be food, music and fun for all ages. Bring your mother, bring your brother, bring your frenemy. Liberty Park, 600 E. 900 South, Sunday, July 3, 8 p.m., free, bit.ly/28S7m6a
Politics In Utah Discussion
The primary season in Utah is not only confusing, but well, it's confusing! What happens in a political convention, and why even have one? This and other questions likely won't be answered, but they will be discussed by political scientist Tim Chambless and journalist Paul Rolly in Is Our Politics Experiencing a Meltdown? And if you don't want to reflect on the primary season, you may be interested in hearing Anthony Rampton of the Utah Attorney General's Office talk about Inside the Armed Resistance to the Federal Government, a retrospective of his involvement in the April 2014 armed standoff in Nevada and the 41-day armed federal takeover in Oregon. First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City, 569 S. 1300 East, 801-582-8687, Sunday, July 31/primary discussion, Sunday August 7/federal standoffs, 10 a.m., free, open to public, SLCUU.org
Fair Park Town Hall
And you thought the Fair Park was a gonner! With a $3-million pledge from the LDS Church, supporters of the Utah State Fair Park managed to put together a proposal for a $17-million new stadium and a legislative committee recommends funding it. That means you, taxpayer. At least $10 million would come from public coffers. Now you can find out more about the plans at this community event, Fair Park Town Hall, hosted by Rep. Sandra Hollins, D-Salt Lake City. Fairpark Grand Building, 155 N. 1000 West, 385-232-1915, Thursday, June 30, 7-8:30 p.m., free and open to public, bit.ly/28S3Fxi