Uncommon Sense
The killing of two teens and the injury of another near Hunter High School is terribly sad and tragic. Families of the victims and the killers will never be the same.
And yet, this is—outrageously—so common in the United States. There are more than 40,000 killed each and every year in this country. Homicides, suicides and accidental shootings all contribute to the annual slaughter.
The death rates are higher now, as our country is so politically divided and under additional stress by the ever-continuing pandemic. This could be addressed by the government in Utah and the rest of the country, but it won't be as long as conservative, gun-loving Republicans are in charge. Any common-sense gun-control legislation will never be passed as long as gun-toting me—who closely equate their masculinity with the weapons they brandish—rule the states. In Utah, where gun shows are more popular than home-improvement shows and where anyone can get guns and ammo close to home, the killings won't stop.
"Building Central 9th," Jan. 20, News
What history will we lose next to make way for unaffordable housing?
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"Feelin' Lucky?" Jan. 20, Private Eye
We have vaccines. If you're smart, you'll get one. The majority of people have been vaccinated, it makes no sense to punish everyone due to the unwillingness of the minority to get vaccinated. If they'd rather end up in the hospital than get vaccinated—oh well.
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My girlfriend is a nurse and has been a nurse for many years. She has worked in hospitals in Utah Valley and has described the state of things to me. Imagine a young woman coming in with herpes all up in her throat all the way down to her esophagus. Imagine a young man walking in with herpes all around and in his anus. "Luckily" they were completely unaware such a thing could happen. I'm thinking family sexual education is 100% ineffective when done by a religiously adherent bunch of idiots.
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I'm so sick of Gov. Cox and the Republican clowns who are our Legislature. They only represent the loud, angry-mouths—not the majority who don't want to get sick.
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I refer to not vaccinating as "Russian Roulette!"
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Cox is a mommy's-boy version of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
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"Busy Bees," Jan. 13, Cover Story
I found the legislative preview article informative and I need to write a few emails now that I know my lawmakers are currently working on certain issues that I find important.
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Get up to the Capitol and be heard—on the phone, email or however you can. Let the other side of Utah be heard more loudly. We pay taxes too.
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