Gone But Not Forgotten | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Gone But Not Forgotten



When I was a boy growing up in the 1950s, I went to Riverside Elementary (600 S. 900 West) in Salt Lake City. Built in the 1890s, it was torn down in the 1980s. Later, I attended Jordan Junior High, a big classical building located at a U-shaped bend in the Jordan River. Along the riverbank, a long bridle path bordered three sides of the campus.

This school also met the wrecking ball, as did my childhood home, bought by the state for the Jordan River Parkway. West High is all that is left of my K-12 schools. It was strange to go back and teach at West a few years ago. “What happened to those sunny high school days?” I continually asked myself as I walked the halls, half expecting to meet an old buddy around each corner.

I’m writing a book about my old schools. It’s called So We’re Not Forgotten, and I hope someone who has pictures from the 1950s and 1960s will contact me. I need some help in identifying the students in my third, fourth and fifth grade classes (the only photos I have). Contact me at farcity101@hotmail.com.

Roger Carrier