Half-Mexican, Half ? | Ask a Mexican | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Half-Mexican, Half ?

A list of half-breeds



Dear Readers: Your faithful Mexican is putting the final touches to his coming magnum opus, Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America (out April 2012), and is thus at the rancho, getting handmade tortillas made by his chica in pigtails while I work on rewrites. But instead of a Best Of columna, I’ve decided to print excerpts from one of my all-time favorite reader interactions. Remember back in 2007, when I asked ustedes who are half-Mexican and half-something else to tell us what you call yourselves? The brilliant, hilarious responses offered show how genius the Mexi brain truly is. Space doesn’t allow your local rag to print all the responses, but below are just some of the best. You can find the full list online—in the meanwhile, enjoy and see you in una semana!

Half-British: Limey beans

Half-Arab: Garbanzo beaner, America’s worst nightmare.

Half-Czech: Czecano, Czex-Mex, Czexican, Mexislovakian

Half-German: Beanerschnitzel, chili kraut, Germexican, wiener beaner

Half-Honky: Chichonky

Half-Indian (the Indian kind): Apachichano, Cherocano, Cheyennexican, Commanchano, Mexiskin (half-Mexican, half-Redskin), Navacano, Navajole, Navajo Taco

Half Scandinavian: Hispandinavian

Half-Somali: Hot Somali

Half-White: Honky-Tonk, Gringateca, Mejiyanqui, Mexi-melts, Whics

Half-Irish: Celtic Aztec, green bean, Irlandicanos, Leprecano, McBeaner, McSpic, Mick Spic, O’Beaner, Paddy-Mex

Half-French: Frenchican

Half-Caribbean: Carribeaner

Half-Cornish: Cornish tortilla

Half-Chinese: Chexican, Chinacan, Chinkano, Combination Plate, Mexinese, rice & beans, soy bean

Half-Eskimo: Mexkimo

Half-Filipino: ChicaPina (for Chicana and Pinay, which is a Tagalog slang term for Filipina), Chilipino, Filixan, Filitino, Flipamex, Flippican, JalaPinoy, Mexipino

Half-anything: Inbetweener-beaner

Half-Gabacho: Amerilanga (combination of American and chilanga, nickname for someone from Mexico City), Caucano, Chicanguera, Gabaxicano, GMC (Gringo-Mexico cross), Guerexican, Latinglo, Mexiglos, Mixican, Pochingo (half-pocho, half-gringo), Whispanic, white bean

Half-Italian: Mexican pizza, Mexitalian, Spicawop, Spic-talian, Wopsican

Half-Oklahomian: Chokies, Okie-Frijoles

Half-Peruvian: Lima Bean

Half-Puerto Rican: Bori-Mex, Messyrican, Mexiricaña, MexiRican, Porto-Mex

Half-Scottish: McRiguez, Scottsican

Half-Redneck: Rednexican, Redback, Wetneck


Ask the Mexican at themexican@askamexican.net, Facebook.com/GArellano, YouTube.com/AskAMexicano, find him on Twitter, or write via snail mail at: Gustavo Arellano, P.O. Box 1433, Anaheim, CA 92815-1433!