Has America already forgotten 1776? | Opinion | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Has America already forgotten 1776?

Taking a Gander



Thomas Paine, one of America’s greatest advocates, was a vocal and ardent supporter of the American Revolution. It is estimated that two of his pamphlets, Common Sense and The American Crisis—which George Washington actually read aloud to rally his troops—were largely responsible for pushing the colonists out of their comfort zone and supporting the war of independence from Britain.

With a total colonial population of a mere 2 million, Common Sense initially sold a remarkable 200,000 copies and, eventually, hit the half-million mark. Most importantly, it helped launch the greatest democratic experiment of its day.

Paine’s inspiring words now echo through the present, and in light of our current situation—the fearful capitulation of good men to a menacing monster—they’re well worth reviewing. Here’s what he said in The American Crisis.

“These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman … What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”

The new country would be, essentially, a democracy, one in which the voice of the people would determine who led, and who represented their interests in congress. Most importantly, there would be no opportunity for a would-be autocrat, and that would be assured by a clear separation of powers between the president, congress and the courts.

It is only those clear distinctions between our branches of government that have protected our country, thus far. And yet, we now have the beginning of a shift toward exploitative autocracy. Through intimidation, extortion and vague unkeepable promises of destroying our wasteful bureaucracy, President “clean-up-the-swamp” Donald Trump has moved America down a primrose path that can only lead to a country unrecognizable to any of us—a kingdom run by a corrupt autocratic ruler and his robber-baron thugocracy.

Sadly, as we are warned by Thomas Paine’s writings, the “sunshine patriots”—men whom we esteemed as representing the best of America, have already “shrunk” from the service of their country. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and others all toppled in abeyance to the king, helping to bring down the freedoms that allowed them such incredible success.

They are now being rewarded for their sole interest in their own survival. Their stock holdings have plummeted like everyone else’s.

At this moment, the best of America is on the chopping block, and Trump is determined to rid us of the troublesome principles that made our country great—principles that still stand in his way.

Make no mistake, what President Trump is doing is not at all presidential. He proves daily that his agenda is to rein in the courageous by nipping dissent in the bud, all so that he and his billionaire buddies can rake in the profits of massive government privatization.

Let’s not forget what our country is about. It’s about freedom—freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to travel, freedom to read the books of our choosing, freedom of religion, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of choice, freedom of religion and the rights of all Americans to enjoy such, without discrimination. Trump and his Project 2025 would see all of that imperiled.

He is proving that a very small, pea-brained man can challenge all that America is about. Frighteningly, he is fully committed to hurting anyone who dares to oppose his anti-American agenda.

A notable quote from Common Sense sums up our country’s present situation. “For as in absolute governments the King is law,” Paine wrote, “so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other.”

That said, America now faces a choice. Will we allow the dreams of the Founding Fathers to crumble and fail, or will we fight for the best principles of government, for and by the people? There are plenty of issues on which Americans may disagree, but this is not one of them—a president can not be allowed to defy the courts and Congress, making him, effectively, an elected king.

There is a distinct difference between presidents and kings. Trump must be put in his place, reminded of what our democracy means and compelled to adhere to the rule of law. The little reminder from Chief Justice John Roberts—about respecting the judicial branch—was a good start.

Donnie Boy, despite all his vacuous bluster and juvenile tantrums, merely demonstrates how a handful of people, far richer and smarter than he, has learned that it’s easy to manipulate the mind of a demented, narcissistic toddler while making him believe that he’s actually in charge.

Back when I was in business for myself, I quickly learned my lesson—no matter how much a business owner revels in his independence, everyone actually works for somebody else. A doctor works for his patients; an attorney labors for his clients; a rancher works for the realities that control the prices of beef; and a president is merely an employee of the country’s citizens.

And Trump is not—and I repeat not—representing the ideas that Americans embrace. While he may believe that, somehow, his moves are popular, that is far from the truth. Polls confirm that he is seen not as a friend of the population, but as an enemy of the people—interested only in toppling the staples of our country’s well-conceived foundations to bolster his riches and power.

The flip side of anything he does, in the way of toppling America’s institutions, is that there will be enormous profits for him and his space cadet boy-toy. It shouldn’t be a surprise that every privatization of government services will end up making him and Musk billions. There’s a track record, and the bottom line is all about money—money he can take from ordinary people and stuff into his offshore accounts.

Trump will make all the filthy rich despots of yesteryear look like saints. Trump is leading a coup—the takeover of our government by a thug who has no respect for the law, no love for those who have sacrificed for the good of our nation, and no vision of where his chaotic bent for destruction will take America’s future.

Why? Because he simply doesn’t care how much damage he does, and he gloats upon the infamy that has already defined his presidency. In every sense, he’s a traitor to our country and to all the principles upon which it was founded. Believe me, “traitor” is the correct term for a leader who openly breaks the law and then defies the court to intervene.

We should keep sensible people in mind, like the French. Although they’ve ended capital punishment, they still keep one of their guillotines in reserve, all oiled-up, sharpened and ready to go.

Maybe it’s time to get serious about the man who would be king and send him packing into the infamy of history.
