Big changes—like erosion—take time and patience. But just because some things slip away slowly over time doesn’t mean some things aren’t also slowly built up. This week, help build a movement against moneyed fat cats by joining the Occupy Salt Lake City march and rally. Later, you can help prevent the erosion of Salt Lake City by attending the Historic Landmark Commission to hear proposed changes to the Historic Overlay Ordinance. Later, help the Utah Pride Center continue to build LGBT tolerance in Utah by attending the benefit reading of the play Some Men.
Occupy Salt Lake City
Thursday, Oct. 6
In solidarity with protesters occupying Wall Street, a local movement is marching from the Utah Capitol to rally in Pioneer Park in protest of how government serves the haaves and screws over the have-nots. If you’ve got some populist rage, now is the time to make some noise and join the occupation. Utah State Capitol, 350 N. State, Oct. 6, 10 a.m., rally will then march to Pioneer Park, 350 S. 300 West,
Historic Landmark Commission
Thursday, Oct. 6
Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker will propose changes to the Historic Overlay Ordinance that guides historic zoning in the city. The changes are expected to include tweaks to the requirements for Historic Landmark Commission members, as well as allowing the commission the power to approve signs and change underlying zoning regulations to align better with a historic district. Salt Lake City & County Building, 451 S. State, Room 326, 801-535-6189, Oct. 6, 5:30 p.m.,
Some Men
Monday, Oct. 10
Some Men is a play celebrating the amazing and often hilarious stories of gay men finding their place in the thread of the American experience, going back 80 years. The play will host celebrity talents such as Tony Award-winner John Glover and Angels in America and Weeds star Justin Kirk. Tickets range from $50 to $300 and benefit The Utah Pride Center and the Courage Campaign. Rose Wagner Center, 138 W. Broadway, 801-355-2787, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m.,