How to CWMA | Music Awards | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Music » Music Awards

How to CWMA

How to work (and rock) the City Weekly Music Awards.


The name of the City Weekly Music Awards has changed a few times through the years (Showdown to SXSW, the SLAMMYs), but the goal remains the same: Recognizing the best original Utah bands, and giving readers a series of showcases where they can see and hear those artists do their thing.

This is no simple “battle of the bands,” although there will be a “winner” following the final showcase on Feb. 19, determined by the public via online and in-person voting. But considering the committee originally gathered to nominate bands came up with a list of more than 100 possible acts to include, we consider all 25 participating “winners.”

The CWMA showcases kick off Feb. 4 with two shows Friday and two shows Saturday; check the Music Live section (or the Music Hot Picks online) for who is playing where.

Who is on the committee that picked the 25 bands?
The group who met to discuss options and nominate their favorites included myself, Austen Diamond (City Weekly assistant music editor), Angela Brown (SLUG editor), Gavin Sheehan (City Weekly contributor and author of the Gavin’s Underground blog), Corey Fox (booker/owner of Velour), Jeanette Moses (SLUG managing editor), Chris Brozek (owner of Slowtrain), Julianna Clay (City Weekly contributor), Ricky Vigil (SLUG
editorial assistant), David Morrissey (KRCL radio host) and Jamie Gadette (KRCL radio host and former City Weekly music editor).

While the committee agreed on many, no one got all their favorites. And some bands that we wanted couldn’t take part due to prior commitments or scheduling conflicts. In those cases, we invited the next band on the master list with the most committee votes. And when we had some last-second dropouts, I cherry-picked bands whose genre made sense in the showcase we were trying to fill.

So, who’s playing when and where?
A complete list of bands, descriptions and details on when and where they are playing is available at

What happens now?
We all go out and see some great music for the next three weekends at the best venues around! To be clear, the bands playing showcases together are not competing night to night; the three finalists who will play the final showcase will be the three acts who get the most combined online and in-person votes.

How does the voting work?
Online voting has been going on for weeks, and ends Thursday, Feb. 3. After that, you can vote in person for your favorite bands at the showcases you attend. The in-person votes count for twice as much as the online votes. Just look for the City Weekly table at the venues. Click here to vote before February 3rd.

What’s it cost?
$6, and you can bounce among venues if you want to catch different bands at different places on the same night.

How do I keep up with what’s happening?
We’ll have reports posted from each showcase on the City Weekly Salt Blog, and you can check this space the next two weeks as well.

When’s that final showcase again?
Saturday, Feb. 19 at The Complex, where the winner will be picked by the show’s attendees. After the bands play, the winner of our DJ Spin-off will lead the way to a late-night dance party. Nice, eh?