Jumanji | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Rated PG 104 minutes 1996

A magical board game unleashes a world of adventure on siblings Peter (Bradley Pierce) and Judy Shepherd (Kirsten Dunst). While exploring an old mansion, the youngsters find a curious, jungle-themed game called Jumanji in the attic. When they start playing, they free Alan Parrish (Robin Williams), who's been stuck in the game's inner world for decades. If they win Jumanji, the kids can free Alan for good -- but that means braving giant bugs, ill-mannered monkeys and even stampeding rhinos!

Film Credits

Director: Joe Johnston

Writer: Chris Van Allsburg, Greg Taylor and Jim Strain

Producer: Robert Cort, Ted Field, Larry Franco, Scott Kroopf and William Teitler

Cast: Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Kirsten Dunst, Bradley Pierce, Bebe Neuwirth, Jonathan Hyde, David Grier, Patricia Clarkson and Adam Hann-Byrd

Show Times

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