Drawing on the walls at toddler stage, drawing horses in 5th grade, doodling in algebra class, Kent State University, then BYU, then two sons and dog shows, University of Utah in 2006, doodling in math class, BFA in 2009 and now art on a City Weekly Box.
Poor Yorick resident, attempts at plein air painting, watercolorist, mixed media, love glitter, Matisse, Joan Brown and Gaylon Hansen.
Art can be seen at Red Bubble...kayhale.redbubble.com, trying out Etsy...Wolf Eyes Art,
The Art of Kay on Facebook. Upcoming show at Sprague Library in 2012, can find me at various art shows in the area.
Working as a person in bookstore and info desk at Timpanogos Cave National Monument for the summer.
Always available for a chat at the Bi-annual Poor Yorick Open Studio weekends, come to D5.
Believe in Nature, Color, Light and Form, public transportation, National Parks, and labor unions. Proud to be a liberal. Influenced by constellations, wild animals, rock art, light and shadows. This box dedicated to my Father..R.E. Hale who died in 2006. “Postcards From A Desert Night”.
Located at the SL Welcome Center: 90 South West Temple - click below for directions