Cover story, July 14, "I Will Be Mrs. Utah 2016"
These may very well be intelligent women, but I still believe pageants feed into portraying women as a commodity. Imagine having men on stage, dressed up in suits and swimwear and then being judged? It would be mocked by most people ... but somehow we continue to accept it as normal for women. There are fitness competitions, but both genders participate.
Becky Johnson
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Three "hot" blondes from Utah ... brains, beauty and world peace. Oh, the humanity. What a struggle they must have gone through.
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Mridi Kumathe
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News, July 14, "Lands of Luxury"
We need to change this shit.
Johnathon Aaron Hitlall
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Money flows into government accounts by the truckload. It's a never-ending river of cash. Of course they're going to spend it wastefully. It's not like the money will ever run out.
Robin Bullock
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A closer look
So, our state leaders, from the governor on down, have decided to take 14 million of our tax dollars to try and pull off the biggest illegal land grab in U.S. history. This is the same group that justpassed a bill to allow giant billboards all along our beautiful scenic byways, all over the state. The same people who think that huge coal mines are just fine all over southern Utah. The same people who think there is nothing wrong with frackingfor natural gas all over our national parks. (See what this has done for Pennsylvania and West Virginia.) The same people who love the idea of oil wells scattered all over our red rock trails.The same people who don't care what any of this will do to the water, air or land. The same ones who don't care much about what is left for our children and grandchildren, as long as there is enough money in it. The same ones who have lied, over and over again to the farmers, ranchers, cattlemen, Native Americans and environmentalists. Is this group of state leaders the ones we really want in control of the most beautiful, unique public lands in the U.S.? Really? I don't think so.
Tony Pignanelli
Salt Lake City