Missing Old Technology | Staff Box | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Missing Old Technology


What obsolete technology do you miss or would like to bring back?

Scott Renshaw: I think the eight-track tape got a bad rap. There was nothing quite like the joy of having a song fade out in the middle so that you could anxiously await its continuation on the next track. Good times.

Jackie Briggs: Nintendo, the original. The games were so beautifully uncomplicated, it was basically a form of meditation to play Mario Brothers.

Rachel Scott: When I was little, I used to listen to and read along with Disney’s Peter Pan storybook and record. I even had a mini record player to go along with it. It totally rocked!

Kathy Mueller:
The land line, complete with a curly cord and all!

Nick Clark: Can we bring back the absence of the Internet? I miss actually speaking with people.

Dan Nailen: I’d like to go back to the days before caller ID. Never mind why.

Jesse Fruhwirth: Let’s bring back cocaine Coca-Cola because people are so desperate for uppers they’re (apparently) snorting bath salts! Come on, lawmakers, that market demand for uppers ain’t yielding.

Josh Deal: It might sound crazy, but porn on VHS. It seems like when we were younger, it was a lot harder to get your hands on porn. You had to find and “borrow” your parents’ secret stash or find other means than to just Google it.

Jeff Reese: Probably the Atari. I can technically still use one, but the problem is that I can’t derive the same level of enjoyment from it that I did when I was a kid. I remember hours of time wasted on Pacman, Asteroids and Space Invaders ... can I have that back?

Bryan Mannos: Pagers. I looked bad ass with a pager, now I’m just another lamer with a smart phone.

Susan Kruithof: I miss transistor radios.  Turning the little ridged dial to try to tune in your fav radio station.  No digital settings, just the delicate touch of your fingers trying to get the best reception possible.  On a clear day, you could get all kinds of strange stations.  Brilliant.

Erik Daenitz: VHS tapes. Trying to re-purchase everything on Disney DVD is just a rip off. Take it back to when Disney was in it for, err, the kids?

Bryan Bale: I'd like to see a resurgence in the popularity of text-based adventure gaming, or "interactive fiction" as Infocom used to call it.