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Oscar Cheats

8 cheats for films you haven't seen


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Eight quick-reference cheats for Oscar-nominated films you haven’t seen:

8. Life of Pi: An Indian boy and a tiger take a less-stressful boat trip than a Carnival Cruise.

7. Django Unchained: Ray Charles kills all of the white people in Mississippi, including Gilbert Grape’s little brother.

6. Silver Linings Playbook: Phil from The Hangover and Katniss discover bi-polar love at a special-ed dance competition.

5. Lincoln: The 16th President of the United States drinks no milkshakes nor hunts any vampires.

4. Zero Dark Thirty: Mama and Andy from Parks & Recreation kill Osama Bin Laden in just under three hours.

3. Beasts of the Southern Wild: Spoiler alert: A storm wipes out southern Louisiana.

2. Argo: Daredevil and Walter White make a fake movie about aliens to save Americans and Canadians from Iranians.

1. Les Miserables: Wolverine and Catwoman sing loudly at Robin Hood and Borat.

Twitter: @Bill_Frost
