The title as double-meaning may be a bit on-the-nose, but there’s a solidly effective story at the core of Grímur Hákonarson’s off-beat comedy-drama. In a rural Icelandic valley, aging, long-estranged brothers Gummi (Sigurđur Sigurjónsson) and Kiddi (Theodór Júlíusson) both face losing their prized sheep herds when their neighboring farms are affected by a rare infectious disease. Hákonarson keeps the reason for the brothers’ feud unspoken for a surprisingly long time, but the specific issue proves less vital than how each man responds to a situation that threatens to rob them of the only thing they have in their lives, since they no longer have each other. A vein of dark humor also runs throughout, most notably when Gummi has to deal with one of Kiddi’s many episodes of blackout drunkenness. There may be a bit too much burden placed on images of the stark landscape, as well as that metaphor of two stubborn males butting into one another like … well, you know. There’s still emotional resonance to the final scenes, which find these men forced to decide if there’s ultimately one thing they share that can reunite them.
Scott Renshaw